Sparsh Shah (US) – The Concert 2022

Sparsh Shah
"Let none of your setbacks, nor your situation, nor your surroundings hold you back in your life. Keep smiling through all the tough times of life.” (Source)
When it comes to the numbers game, Sparsh Shah, also known as PURHYTHM, dominates. The 19-year-old prodigy who was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease) has won prizes at nine singing competitions, done over 300 live performances in nine countries for over a billion people and raised over $2 million for charity.
His first claim to fame was his cover of Eminem’s Not Afraid which garnered over 75 million views – a fraction of the 300 million views he has amassed across multiple social media platforms to date.
Adrian Anantawan
(Canada) -
Alvin Law
(Canada) -
(Japan) -
(Japan) -
Federico Martello
(Italy) -
(Japan) -
(International) -
Johnatha Bastos
(Brazil) -
Kenta Kambara
(Japan) -
Mandy Harvey
(US) -
Rachel Starrit
(UK) -
Raul Midón
(US) -
Ryota Kaizo
(Japan) -
Sparsh Shah
(US) -
The Soulmatics
(Japan) -
Tokyo NAKAMA Dancers
(Japan) -
Tokyo NAKAMA Kids
(Japan) -
Tony Dee
(Australia) -
Viktoria Modesta
(UK) -
We Are One
(India) -