Kenta Kambara (Japan) – The Concert 2022
Kenta Kambara
Kenta Kambara is a system engineer who performs gravity defying dance moves on a wheelchair and in the air.
He’s an aerial performer, wheelchair dancer, street performer, parasportsman, swimmer, dance teacher, systems engineer, husband and dad. When this lean, mean gravity-defying machine isn’t performing on stage, he’s advocating to students about the importance of breaking down barriers that afflict people living with disabilities.
“I want people to understand by seeing me dance that it’s precisely because my body is different that it is interesting. Then that will become a trigger to accept other people’s differences,” said Kambara. (Source)
Adrian Anantawan
(Canada) -
Alvin Law
(Canada) -
(Japan) -
(Japan) -
Federico Martello
(Italy) -
(Japan) -
(International) -
Johnatha Bastos
(Brazil) -
Kenta Kambara
(Japan) -
Mandy Harvey
(US) -
Rachel Starrit
(UK) -
Raul Midón
(US) -
Ryota Kaizo
(Japan) -
Sparsh Shah
(US) -
The Soulmatics
(Japan) -
Tokyo NAKAMA Dancers
(Japan) -
Tokyo NAKAMA Kids
(Japan) -
Tony Dee
(Australia) -
Viktoria Modesta
(UK) -
We Are One
(India) -