True Colors MUSICAL “HONK! by Phamaly ” – GUIDE
Seating Map
Wheelchair seat
This is an area where one can view in their wheelchair.
If a caregiver is attending we will arrange a seat near by.
Designated Area
English and easy Japanese subtitles (Rental tablet)
This is an area for people using closed caption on tablet.
The area is assigned to the center seating area, but if you would like to sit at the aisle, please notify the True Colors Operating Office when you request for the tablet.
Hearing aid and Audio guide
People using hearing aid and audio guide can choose any area in Ground Floor Area1~6. There is a possibility that you cannot use the hearing aid and audio guide at the front seats in area 1~3 – Please ask the on-site staff at the venue.
– The second-floor seat is very steep. Please be careful when using with children.
– Seating arrangements maybe subjected to changes.
Venue Map
- Multipurpose and Ostomate toilets
- Nursing room
- Wheelchair and baby stroller parking area
A Festival that creates a “process” of change
True Colors Festival Executive Producer