Find out in our latest Diversity on the Streets cartoon, featuring the story of Makiko Suagawa, illustrated by Nanako Yamaguchi.
By True Colors Festival Team
The latest edition of our Diversity on the Streets cartoon titled “My Life with a Prosthetic Leg” aims to reveal as authentically as possible the experience of wearing a prosthetic leg — the highs and lows — from the perspective of the artist Makiko Sugawa, an amputee.
If the name rings a bell, that’s because Makiko has featured in our award-winning documentary Clothes in Conversation as one of the models who was paired up with an emerging fashion designer to discuss the accessibility of fashion in the process of creating an outfit for each model.
In the cartoon, Makiko, a self-professed fashion lover, details how she came to need a prosthetic leg and how doing so allows her to wear skirts, which is her favorite type of apparel. She also laments the fact that she can’t wear high heels.
Featuring the winsome illustrations of Nanako Yamaguchi, don’t miss this latest instalment of Diversity on the Streets to find out more about the real experience of wearing a prosthetic leg. More episodes of “My Life with a Prosthetic Leg” to follow — stay tuned to our Instagram @truecolorsfestival for updates.
Diversity on the Streets is an ongoing educational cartoon series by True Colors Festival for social media. The episodes capture the experiences of people living with disabilities. The first instalment, “My Day with Dwarfism”, captures the experiences of the dancer Daiki Nishimura. “My Life with a Prosthetic Leg” is the second instalment.