
Announcement for Cancelation of Event & Live Streaming

We are very sorry to announce that True Colors BEATS planned on October 22 (Tuesday, Public Holiday) at Yoyogi Park Outdoor Stage & Event Square will be canceled due to bad weather conditions caused by the typhoon.

Instead we will have the performances in the form of a public live streaming* at The Nippon Foundation 8th Floor (With some exceptions, all markets including food and drink, workshops that were planned will be canceled).

Please note that there is limited capacity at the venue, and we will need limit the amount of audience that can attend.

【How to Attend】
Please line up at Nippon Foundation ground floor lobby at 13:00. We will provide you with an entrance pass. From 13:30, you will enter the venue via the elevator. When the full capacity is reached in the venue, we will allow new entry only when people leave.

Location: The Nippon Foundation 8th Floor
2-2-1 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8404
(No parking space is available at the venue, please come by public transportation)

Map of the area surrounding The Nippon Foundation building

Open: 13:30 (Limited space available)
14:00~14:20 [TALK] Santiago Vazquez (With Japanese to English / sign language translation)
14:20〜15:20 [DJ] “World Rhythm Travel” by Yuichi Kishino
16:10〜16:45 [LIVE] Monaural mini plug
16:45〜18:00 [LIVE] Santiago Vazquez + Guest Artists + Workshop Participants

* We plan to live stream from our official Youtube account around 1:30 pm https://www.youtube.com/c/TrueColorsFestival2020
* We will publish documentation of this event at a later date on our official Youtube account


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True Colors Festival

TCF is a long-running international festival of performing arts. We celebrate diversity and inclusion, and embrace the fact that we are One World, One Family. We choose the arts as our platform, for its power to move, inspire and heal.

As a festival, TCF brings people together to generate exchanges, innovation and creativity; and transform the way we relate to each other.

Presented by The Nippon Foundation, TCF brings diverse artists and audiences together through concerts, documentaries, music videos, film screenings, children's programs, musicals, workshops and other activities. Since 2006, festivals have been organized in Southeast Asia and Japan, with more than 1,200 artists from more than 30 countries connecting with a global audience in more than 80 countries.

TCF invites you to journey with us, to enjoy, experience, share and spread our consciousness of being One World, One Family.

“One World, One Family” – what does it actually mean?

By True Colors Festival Team

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